Sunflower 01/02/2023 (Mon) 12:36 Id: ab4e2e No.2421 del
The blackest coffee

... has been shared on the small table in the relax area of the temple. It's not exactly coffee but it's a very dark brew. This is the cure for evil.

Try at your own risk. The only guarantee is that it works. If you're unsure, take a small sip at first and see what effect it has, don't gulp it all down at once.

But evil cannot be cured?
It may not be an illness, but it's a condition. Maybe like a self-inflicted injury, it can be healed. My drow already tried it and they're fine.

This was made to be used on the extreme hedonists of the Earth Illuminati, aka Jews of the kind who'll inject the blood of tortured children just to add a few months to their lives. They know they're going to hell for it, but they're so irrational they'll add the karma of dozens of murders just to evade it a little longer. If those can be fixed, anyone can be fixed. (But it will be extremely painful)