Sunflower 01/03/2023 (Tue) 23:32 Id: 4a5e06 No.2441 del
I was looking for cords connecting to my body and found 1 on my upper chest area, it had 4 connections side by side (horizontaly), and I pulled the other side to see what was it connected to and saw an Obelisk from the Vatican, so I ripped them out. When I did that a priest showed up with a purple hat so I looked it up and its a hat called "Zucchetto" and it isn't purple but aparently those "amaranth", the ones who wear those are "archbishops, bishops, territorial abbots and territorial prelates", there was also a nun in white.

Posting just in case you guys have those connections too.

BTW is the Eiffel tower feeding the mural under it?