Sunflower 01/07/2023 (Sat) 03:03 Id: 4a5e06 No.2486 del
I tried to use this wand recently. Things are a little weird lately, with beings offering me some cup with a black liquid (possibly the black coffee that was shared).
I saw a plastic cup with a small amount of black liquid being put over my dan tien for some reason, and later saw one next to my left temple and one with a transparent liquid on my right temple. The black liquid seemed to dissolve and be absorbed from my left temple and maybe going all the way to the right temple and into the transparent cup, the liquid was clear as if the blackness stayed inside my head.

And I may or may not have installed this vampire module last night and then had a couple of dreams where I was a vampire.

In the first dream I was in this old castle that was kind of square shaped, and was turned into a vampire, apparently I didn't want that and then killed a bunch of people who seemed hostile(?), they were quite weak then I saw Sagat from Street Fighter (Sagat is the strongest) there and some other beings who felt strong so I avoided those, I remember recieving a box with 2 halves of a human's jawbones with missing teeth it was black and decayed(?) it felt like I was supposed to eat those but I didn't, later I found some food and I felt like I shouldn't eat that but I was going to do it anyway and a blonde guy showed up and told me that I couldn't eat that anymore.

In another dream I was some sort of vampire and was wearing a black leather trenchcoat I seemed to own a local bar/night club, and when I went outside people where surprised and happy to see the face of one of the "elite rulers who never show themselves". Later I was in a very long bus and kept fighting terrorists who wanted to blow it up and even fought some "news media guys" that were spreading fake news. Later the army was gonna fight the enemies on the ground while I was gonna fight them in space.