Sunflower 01/09/2023 (Mon) 16:59 Id: ab4e2e No.2517 del
(58.88 KB 518x453 tomboy fairy.png)
Tomboy fairy

This fairy servitor has the task of solving complex social problems. There is an issue which keeps pestering regular police forces - gang activity. The police will only respond to each individual case as one of breaking a specific law paragraph. An organization such as a gang, does not normally break these laws by simply existing. But they are the fertile soil which crime grows from.

This creates a blindspot in between the responsibility of the police and the army. The gang is a non violent entity which produces violence irregularly. As long as it does not perform organized large scale violence, the army will not respond to it, while the police will only pick off some of its random outbursts. Neither of them will address the main source of the problem.

This fairy will perform the non-violent task of dissolving such entities or preventing their formation pre-emptively.

If you are interested in installing it, present the request to Astra, target it at the fairy or look in the blacknet "new modules" section. This servitor is a complex two-part system for a complex problem. It comes with its own ship. The ship must be created separately. Make sure to ask for the ship as well if you want full functionality, then give the fairy permission to use the ship.

And yes, this is a regular ship, you use it for astral travel with or without the fairy. The fairy is also pretty normal and can function as a companion type servitor, it has multiple body manifestation and spell casting ability.