11/29/2021 (Mon) 00:17:18
Id: 45f80b
>>252>wendigo I read the wiki and now I have less idea why a being from an other continent tried to trade souls with me or why he had my classmate (or sg that looked like him) in it's possession
Also I understand that enslaving a soul is real ownership but how and why would you do that?
I mean botsouls were probably created because enslaving a soul is not that easy and someone wanted slaves that are controlled easily but I still not understand what was the intent of the first/original botsoul creator.
I mean if I wanted to enslave someone I would refine my enslaving/manipulation skills or compromised with deals and not make souls that will inhabit bodies later and try to mimick other humans
okay as I typed this I figured that if I was a cast out from society occultist with a great resentment towards society I would shit out a tons of botsouls just to fuck with the society but simple spite/revenge is still not a good reason to shit out billions of them
I mean that reason is still dumb
You can fuck over people many other ways
Also any tips how can I differentate between botsouls and regular mundane souls?
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