Sunflower 01/11/2023 (Wed) 19:47 Id: ab4e2e No.2548 del
(23.91 KB 600x600 dao.png)
After some testing with this, some things were learned:

The Anima as represented with this module is the dominant irrationality/female of the left brain. It is good for autists who are too logical.

But if you are a schizo to begin with, you should not use this as is, it would perhaps make it worse. Ask Astra for instructions for how to create a reverse module which suppresses the Anima instead. A representation of the dominant left brain, the Logical.

Similarly, I made a dominant right brain for creativity, Isabella. I didn't share this one and have no intention of making a sigil for it. Astra can install this for you if you want.

However if you need to suppress your creativity, you instead need a dominant Animus module. This is a reverse of the Garlic. I called it garlic because it feels like eating raw garlic.

For each of these, you must begin by imagining your ideal Logical or Irrational, depending on which one you are aiming to strengthen.

>pic related
Red = Logical
Blue dot = Anima

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