Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 03:02 Id: cd77f0 No.2594 del
>You can use active/passive visualization. It's the fastest method. Start by visualizing based on the description as if you are "forcing" a tulpa or just imagining something life-like. Then you let the image sit there and don't touch it. When it's close enough to the servitor's function, the image will come alive on its own. Just let it move and change the visualization and you can interact with it that way. That's all you have to do. It's essentially a "program" so you just give it permissions to control the visualization ability of your brain so you can see it.
Oh, I get it now, thanks for explaining it. I feel like my brain is working very slowly these past few years, not that I was much smarter, but it wasn't this bad.

>It's a multiplying cat. Depending on your preference it's either a perfectly regular cat or a humanoid catgirl. It will just keep multiplying until you're surrounded by a sea of cats. That's what it does, hence the name.
Heh, I see the joke now.