Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 03:21 Id: ab4e2e No.2597 del
Ok so I tried out Naamah and saw all these "disgusting" hard white-ish things in the air, maybe my aura. They felt like hardened dirty substances, maybe like pus coming out of a wound. During the interaction they started dissolving more and more, right now they're small. It made me think these are possibly the klippoths, shells of sin in kabbalah. I have never seen them like this before, I think Naamah somehow opened my vision to see them.

I'm trying to follow the trail from your "friend" and it looks like maybe it's a minion of Asmodeus, in this case it's tied to lust. He would stay as long as that issue was unsolved, whatever the specific thing is I can't tell.

But I can see one possible way. Use the ghost hunter cat, tell him to delete the source of lust that is causing this bully to stay around. Delete both the existing and the non-existing material of it at once so it can't replicate itself from the mirror image after you killed the material side.