Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 19:16 Id: cd77f0 No.2609 del
>Maybe they want you as a pit manager.
Well, someone once told me that the ruler of the Abyss had changed, it was no longer that guy that I don't wanna mention, supposedly a quite harsh entity, I was told the new Ruler's name, but forgot it at the time, later I met a being in a "dream" that I believe was the new Ruler, he had red hair and beard and his voice was very powerful and I could feel or see waves of energy coming from it, that it left me in awe to the point that I didn't pay attention to what he was saying.
I was holding a trident when we met and one of his guys was looking at me with a serious look that I didn't like it and I sort of took it as a challenge, so I pointed the trident at him and said something like "you wanna fight?", I instantly felt pain in one of my balls lel. I can post the guy's name here if you guy's want. I met him after going down 2 or 3 stairs, so that has meaning. In that dream I was being offered a room inside a local marketplace to live, a place where a demon couldn't come to me, but I didn't accept it because things were shady, the beings offering the place were disguised as my parents and I didn't feel like living in a room inside a marketplace, didn't feel private enough.

I posted her as a comparison to the Ghost Cat, because her power is to "destroy anything" if I'm not mistaken.

>I can rule a place
I hope its a fun job if that's the case, not that I can rule anything right now.