Sunflower 01/14/2023 (Sat) 22:55 Id: ab4e2e No.2617 del
>I am a sort of "hammer maker"
I was guided by Thor to create the hammer almost 3 years ago, there is no coincidence in the brat having a very similar artifact.

They will push you to give up your fears and attachments no matter what. If you really were about to die, they'd save you last second, or revive you, that's how they work. The only thing that matters is that you pass the test. I could give anecdotal evidence of this but it's personal so I won't.

I'm still wondering who exactly is doing this, I'm getting closer to seeing them after that talk with Naamah but I'm not there yet.

>When you say you are reading my mind
Me? I don't do that, but some things I can't help seeing or hearing. Like when someone does a thorough investigation of a servitor I shared, that's how I've learned something about who uses them and how.