Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 20:21 Id: ab4e2e No.2657 del
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>Do you how exactly they're doing this?
Yes. Sort of. It's technology based. They make a decision at the faction HQ inner board and because it consists of only a handful of people who already agree on mostly everything, the document was signed. Then it's sent to the office for handling physical planets and funds are allotted for the operation. A position for magic management of Earth 3D was created and someone was appointed for it. Then a surveillance system is set up and if someone uses unauthorized magic, the proper measures are applied to stop it. Normally operations like this also confiscate the energy used to produce the delinquent activities so it doesn't cost anything once operational. It may consume lots of funds in the beginning to establish things like this, but "the federation is always right" so once they decided to do something they will enforce it.

>force of nature karma
There is a specific thing here, and pretty logical. You don't become a force of nature for no reason, it must be because you already have an inhuman way of acting which is very solid. In my London life I had already killed multiple people when I was appointed that title. Obviously that involves karma, because there is a "learning process" to become a force of nature during which time you aren't one, so you can't be entirely absolved of it.

>no entity told me that my magic is obstructed
Anyone registered as a Sunflower associate can practice the magic which is categorized as belonging to this group. If you try moving outside of that range, you may be facing a wall however.