Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 11:15 Id: ab4e2e No.2673 del
>a bright green square that turned into a 5 pointed star
I've seen how energy transforms based on number systems, going by how many points the form has. It's an amazing thing to see when it suddenly works and you understand how things relate.

>Watching the clip I expected it to be related to greys not illuminati.
To be fair they cooperate in trying to take control of the Earth. But the greys are all but happy about how the Earth illuminati performed since. They told me to "get rid of them" because they're just tired of them by now. They should have been done soon after WW1 according to the original plan but their NWO is now collapsing after only achieving lots of environmental damage.
The main illuminati "out there" no longer support them either. So I think these programs being spread is how they look for someone else to cooperate with. They already released the magic wand for creating artificial suns via Chaika the Coffin Princess. It's the same thing that was given to "illuminati" sometime in the 1700s or so. They failed to build it properly and created the moloch sun instead of a correct one.
>What can the yellyfigh do?
I'm not sure, it has some kind of program code from the jellyfish beings, Tritons. They're all about intelligence so it has to be related to increasing your IQ or using your brain.