Sunflower 01/16/2023 (Mon) 13:30 Id: ab4e2e No.2674 del
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Maybe, just maybe the cutification of technology beginning phase is over now.

Astra has distributed the task manager and a human relations bots so that they should be accessible to everyone on the planet via the Babel's tower. If someone can't be given full installs, they will be given a "terminal" which communicates with the cloud for the same functionality. Simply hail them in your mind as Task Manager or Relations Manager or any other nickname you prefer, and they will appear in your visualization.

The task manager will help you organize your daily life to fulfil the things you need to achieve for a complete life. The relations manager will serve as an insulation in human relations to avoid unnecessary conflicts by advising or restricting people so they don't offend or abuse each other for no reason. There is still karma so there will be normal issues but you will see a way out.

Both bots will adapt to your preference, they don't have a fixed appearance. For reference, both of them appear as levitating fairies/cherubs wearing a red cape when I see them. The task manager tends to be barefoot while the relations manager has knitted socks with small tassels.