Sunflower 01/18/2023 (Wed) 19:03 Id: 4a5e06 No.2704 del
>I feel done with this entire topic now so I'll stop posting about servitors and bodies now.
I'm sorry about this post, feel free to ignore it, but I'm very curious about something here.

>I've made an adaptive servitor/body module which is like the mascot but a body. I asked Astra to give it to you if it matches what you want (check your astral inbox).
I'd like to know if installing this body would get me out of samsara.

I'm also curious if a being that's out of samsara would be able to feel lust, I wanna get out of the earth reincarnation trap, but still be able to bang astral women. Its a degenerate attachment that I have.