Sunflower 02/01/2023 (Wed) 12:33 Id: 91b8f8 No.2877 del
>(Taiji,太極 is the same concept
Practicing Tai Chi can produce an artifact visually similar to pic related.

The "great destruction/great birth" rituals produce similar items, but bracelets instead of the large hip dance version.

I did both of them with my drow/druids on the astral because they're immortal so suicide rituals won't kill them (or me, because I also have such a body there). It appears that if the power level is high enough, the opposing ritual's effect can be included. So you can get the great destruction bracelet from the great birth ritual if you're really fucking good at it. Lower beings (infernal, not etheric) can't do that though, so drow and regular human occultists like masons will have to do it as two separate rituals.

If anyone is interested, I think I can be able to share the artifacts as personal copies. Ask me about it.

I made a very ethereal "mahou shojo" version, an intense drow version (using my servitor, don't think this is easy to do with actual other beings) and a kemono version, also using a servitor.