Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 17:26 Id: 845da4 No.2915 del
Review time.

I installed this (while I was thinking: do I even need this? I have enough guides already does it have something that I don't have already? My mind just went ahead and visualized the circle installation to be able to answer this question)

So while I work with Narasimha and Shiva and some Buddhist stuff I encounter here and there no am not bragging here. Makes me realize just how shit I am by even the lowest of yoga standards sometimes...

They taught me their mudras movements and theories. Sometimes I had to give a "massage" to an entity (which is literally energetic circuit activation. you draw "sacred lines" on them) so they could have enough "power" to give me the massage. Then sometimes I "drew" these sacred lines on my body (while an entity "guided my hand")

This module has the "galfed yoga" perspective. While I had this "cybernetic feeling" with yoga already as I am activating the circuits but yesterday as I was going to sleep and do a "minor checkup" on my body before that. The cat appeared and started to gently tap my chest. Forgot what it said but an iron mechanical orb appeared and "thorny vines" appeared from my chest and it absorbed it. With this I "unlocked" a new way of moving my energies. I had this "machine" perspective before for different functions of my body but this sorta "unified it"

So yeah. It works (ΦωΦ)