Sunflower 02/06/2023 (Mon) 22:29 Id: 731dcb No.2923 del
>Instead of the "magical hinduist feel" it has a feeling like I am a high tech space ship... no more accurately an entire planet covered with supertechnology contained within my body. It felt like those cartoon robots that can pull out everything from their body. I posted pic related because it feels like that.
It must be caused by the structuring of the training program using things like decision trees and dendrograms. In other dimensions, advanced abstract libraries may appear as high tech structures. It's true that the "magic" of most of this is to just abuse the ability of solving intractable problems and doing massive datamining on the astral and then rationalizing it into a compact form. It's a cat because, well cats do yoga well and you can have millions of cats all memorize one item in the tree structure and it's still both a library and a "cat cloud". Or something, it just works best this way.