Sunflower 03/27/2023 (Mon) 11:21 Id: 7eecd0 No.3124 del
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I used to protect Taiwan exactly because of its free speech, not only in terms of allowing the FG movement, but also because it's one of the few places that air uncensored anime. Most of the shows that are translated and released in their complete form online, come through Taiwan.

The negative energy, the downright filth, now gathered on that island has reached a point when it's indefensible. Uncensored anime is no longer a reason good enough to keep that place. After Xi appeared in media, exposing suns on most of his chakras, the setting has changed. It's clear who's been doing things right here.

"Falun Gong" media in the west will now reveal that they completely lack insight or esoteric abilities, calling for war on China, just as they have been supporting the war on Russia. They talk of "morality", but they have none.