Sunflower 04/21/2023 (Fri) 10:24 Id: e6bf8f No.3161 del
Blacknet new modules

Free energy transmitter

Already installed for everyone on Earth, it will create a % of free energy in physical devices to harmonize the energy system. This includes the nervous system of living beings because it's also electrical. The function is a wide area of effect ray programmed to produce a beneficial energy addition adapted to what the device needs, through "induction". You can create a controlled connection to the transmitter by installing the local module. Look for "earth free energy transmitter" on the blacknet.


A defense system for the blacknet, consisting of bots performing a function derived from the Empusa, large immortals who consume energy from their surroundings.

Em: A nanobot which transforms hostile energy into beneficial energy, then uses the energy to compensate victims, the bot owner (if locally installed) and birth new bots. Wears green.

Pusa: A regular size bot which transforms hostile energy into beneficial energy for the owner. Wears black.

Both are available on the blacknet.