Sunflower 05/14/2023 (Sun) 17:16 Id: b065c7 No.3237 del
And now an even weirder thing that I figured out while looking at your pic that is related to the tongue.
The tongue is triangle
>3 x 7 matter because 7 chakras
Now the chakras have "Petals". Those are the things that makes them connect to each other and other "minor chakras" or circuits/pathways or call them whatever. The "main 3" the spine and the 2 sides of your body. As the energies rise you have to watch over to "filter" the energies. Letting all the energies go to the brain and the 3rd eye is not always good. They need to be recycled. Literally. Some energies need to come up then go down in the front of your chest while others need to be "exhaled" and let only the pure energies into your brain. Sticking it out and "downward" sends back the "still useful" energies.
To make a well known example. "Masturbation makes you blind". Well it's not exactly masturbation it's a lust type energy which if reaches your eyes changes the "sharpness" of your vision. Took me a while to figure out why. WELL it's because when you are horny af you are supposed to fuck whatever that looks like the "opposite sex" and not count all the skin blemishes they have on their back. And does a whole other things. It only makes you "Blind" if you keep it "in your head".
Now to the other "tongue" thing I figured out. As I said the tongue is a triangle. There is that Kechari mudra where you lick your third eye. Tried to do it years ago and reached pretty far in but I was not willing to cut the base of the tongue. I feared that if I fuck up how will I explain how that happened to mundanes and most importantly because I don't believe in any spiritual practice that "Mutilates the body" in any way. It was made in "this way" for a reason. I just realized I can touch my third eye with my "etheric tongue" which "bypasses" the route to the 2 eyes and energizes the 3rd eye in an instant. Because the "triangle" "Unifies" the energies that come from the throat chakra and below. Gave me a beautifully colorful vision and some reminders that I still need to clean multiple pathways because those colors were not just "pretty" but instructive also.
>the other person must watch the video themselves
It's important because it's not just about the "technique" but the energies behind it. These teachings "emanate" an energy which holds a bunch of meaning that you might not pick up first. This is why the video is important. But I am not big on Sadguru and yes you need to do what he says until you figure out what "he meant". When you find your energies or way you can "adjust it".

Thx for the pic btw. My tongue skill got a +2 stat