Sunflower 05/18/2023 (Thu) 15:24 Id: e6bf8f No.3245 del
>Gong is a higher energy than Qi that can only be brought up personally by cultivation, is it possible for one to waste ones Gong or to let it dissipate again by neglect of practice or doing degenerate things such as fapping to porn or getting drunk?
You need virtue to transform into Gong. FG had the unrealistic idea that a Qi construct would do this automatically for a mass of people. Let's use the wording Li himself used:
>Falun Gong is just a mass exercise movement
The trick is indeed in your mentality and inner nature, your xinxing, and maintaining it is a requirement. If you do this, you will naturally create some virtue (pure white energy) daily. If you do nothing, it will be stored, but chance is you lose it again from doing something bad. Gong created from less intense practice will create semi-circle particles. We've been over this. Real Gong is the zero particle, a completed circle which cannot degenerate. Doing Qi Gong may create many semi circles and it looks like you have a mass of Gong. But it can be lost if you do bad things. That is why it's better to do an intense exercise like Simha Kriya and get ONE zero particle daily, at least that single particle will not be lost and some of your virtue was permanently saved from degeneration.

After passing some major troubles I always have a large amount of virtue, it looks like a block of butter or cream. To transform this I may have to do two one hour hatha yoga sessions with complete focus and finish of with Qi Gong 1 hour after. No exercises will just leave the virtue as it, it's fuel that can't be used for anything, while after transformation you may have created a star or sun or moon, an eternal energy source in your inner dimension.