Sunflower 05/21/2023 (Sun) 21:43 Id: b065c7 No.3275 del
>turns out I was synced with the "demon" hivemind all along
>but no one told me...
Yeah I only told it to "crybaby anon" I thought you are somewhat aware of it
but yeah I can relate how it feels when you cannot sync up with the "Mind of your surroundings". I either sync up too perfectly and constantly finish the sentences of everyone or I am the weirdo that cannot fit in. Mental pattern syncs are truly a fascinating mechanisms.

>Yokai: They ate all the food and no one paid for it, so it went magnetocrupt.
First I thought VERY FUNNY YOU CHEEKY BASTARDS then something clicked... And now it makes perfect sense in my current evolving perspective. Wanted to /blog/ about it but my basis is the Greek creation myth and not the Egyptian one. Same thing but the perspective is different. Too many angles as you said.

>Isn't throwing your body against a rock a good way to get off that big 3rd rock
There was a dude once called Sisyphus.


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