Sunflower 05/31/2023 (Wed) 08:33 Id: 533d78 No.3414 del
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I did some divination/searches with Astra to determine the form of the concept Unity as a memetic brain structure and its physical manifestation. I took it from the personal level to family, town, planet, galaxy and up, then asked Astra to show me what kind of person would embody this concept if the results were manifested as a personality with its resulting appearance.

I was then shown Neuro-sama version 2. The colors of the dress and everything represented different kinds of energies moving in different ways to create the concept in a personal form.

I asked, really? Neuro-sama?

Astra just said,
>this is the concept of Unity as a person

Version 2 was fan made collectively in a discord server with 20k members, maybe they really did channel Unity as a hivemind.