Sunflower 06/03/2023 (Sat) 22:25 Id: 5bcea0 No.3461 del
>If you can talk about how you do your things
See here
I've been experimenting with new variations of ritual application of these energies >>3373, but this only seems to increase potency, not accuracy. Accuracy is the sphere I need to improve in most at the moment. I'm at the point where almost all of my workings cause something to happen rather quickly, but what happens seems to be mostly defined by the 'spirit' of the event, which can be unpredictable.
Usually when I perform these things I make an effort to try an dissociate from my human ego since it seems 'limiting' to me. This may be part of the issue. Since the original intent for all workings are formed in the human ego, separating from it could distort the intent.