Sunflower 06/13/2023 (Tue) 16:59 Id: 71860d No.3493 del
>I don't know what view you have of them
Well, honestly they never really struck me as daemons or succubi or even angels but... It felt like they were something else entirely. Though they have constantly done things like turn me into a doll something along the lines of pic related. Being submerged into some weird dark ocean with them telling me things like "You belong to us, even in death", feeling like my soul/being getting split in two, getting my body parts replaced,getting turned into a priestess, them getting extremely possessive and not liking being around women or around certain males (not that I mind that per se), and them hollowing me and transforming (?) me, taking me to some mansion up in what appeared to be snowy mountains and so on. From what I can atleast tell that there are 3-4 sisters. Their forms usually change but there are some constants and a few months ago they did seem to actually have a "base" appearance of sorts