Sunflower 06/17/2023 (Sat) 23:56 Id: fc9f7b No.3548 del
Was just doing some meditation taking that advice on my brain sketch, decided a easy way to visual it is to imagine the subordinate male and female as well as dominate male and subordinate male and female as a family.

Had the mental image of the subordinate male trying to act like a bigger brother to the subordinate female so was picturing the image of him going to the dominate female to let her take over for help but as I did got shook out of my meditation by the sudden thoughts coming to my mind of "Where you think you're going you fucker?"

Had the mental image of a roughed up older man when that came up so pretty sure that was the dominate male speaking up. Did not seem happy when I was trying to have the subordinate male try to give control to the dominate female and made me snap out of my trance.