Sunflower 06/19/2023 (Mon) 14:10 Id: 533d78 No.3571 del
Nanobots help with access to the shared system, they make energy transformation easier and supports communication and running of programs/modules. They are also the building blocks of astral bodies and technology. You can use any one you can install. There is also one specifically for vampires. Just ask for it and someone will share it.

I drew in your new wave as white on here. The "hook" formation makes it looks like "angelic possession" but turned towards emotion instead of perspective alteration, if you compare with the waves in the djinn thread. I can't tell what it means, but it looks coherent.

Asking djinn about it they said your new wave is "diving dragon", which is an energetic mindset of "riding the wind with a goal/target in mind".