Sunflower 06/28/2023 (Wed) 22:46 Id: 5ec0d1 No.3637 del
>spa experience
It's more about the effect of it than the experience. Initially I had this idea to just "cleanse the shit out of all evil beings" by some external method. But I apply that anything I use on others I must be either immune to, or be able to use on myself, it can't be a double standard where it's only aimed one way (a cleanse can be a weapon against those who like filth, but it won't work on me because I'm clean), so I asked Astra to find suitable methods and it ended up being a spa with massage and all kinds of other treatments. So I went with that, then figured I may as well share this. When I used it first on myself it gave me a shivering, almost full-body orgasmic energy wave passing from my shoulders and down the spine, then from the neck and down, while the fairy was working on my back. I do get the visuals of a spa facility though.