Sunflower 07/18/2023 (Tue) 12:24 Id: 14bfd2 No.3749 del
>Sunflower drones and ships

I do create a lot of these automated programs/spells, and recently I give them an avatar for an interface because it's just easier that way. Kind like phones have all sorts of apps in them that has nothing to do with calling people but it's easy to include this functionality so why not.

I'll name a few of the more forward stance bots which are available (others what work in the background I won't name):

Tanya Deep Battle:
An advanced addition to the Tanya series of military servitors, this one is specialized in the soviet deep battle doctrine.

A developer bot for creating new bots of this same kind. They can be anything from karmic bots that are imprinted on karma and expires when the karma is transformed, to immortal moon or star forms.

Structural Siphon:
Copies entire egregoral structures and transforms karmic structures into positive ones in the process. This bot was created using the architect above. More of a narrow function tool but naming as an example.

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