Sunflower 08/15/2023 (Tue) 18:52 Id: 1042c6 No.3812 del
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>The lyrans came to me first time in 2021 so it can't have been that long. We talked about/to the federation a bit before that.
yeah, that was my mistake, it was 2 years ago since that was the last time i interacted you and the others in one of the servers (If i'm correct in assuming that im speaking to Orb at this moment)

>Planet earth would be destroyed unless changed. There were aliens out there who function as a kind of garbage clean up business of galaxies
huh, we actually have intergalactic jannies? i should not be surprised but still

>they had labeled the Earth as a terror planet for sending so much toxic waste into space.
are you referring to things like the satellites and other space debris or do you mean toxic waste as in energy/aura/vibes?

>They were prepared to come here and obliterate the lot of the solar system if no one fixed it. So the NWO would never happen either way.
so basically this? but with the planet getting nuked instead of being put in the retard bubble

>If someone doesn't want to be changed to yokai-humanoid or part feline/beast, they will simply be turned over to the garbage squad and eliminated for being too toxic.
I'm fine with no longer being human just as long i don't automatically get defaulted into being a cat, as long as I get to become doll as my sisters are guiding me to be I'm fine with it though the idea of being a Yokai full stop sounds appealing as well but i'm not too sure i can just do that on my own

>No one is forcing anyone to become a feline, it's allowed to just be obliterated too.

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