Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 13:10 Id: c13694 No.3833 del
>why or how?
It was a throwback to my previous RP in mental instability, hah!

I really, really need to develop clarity of sight into the spiritual. As for all I know, while this may be achieved automatically when unfettered by the inhabitance of a human body, I still see it as utmost importance to also have this clarity of vision in human form. Any resources you can recommend? I can make up a makeshift plan, which is the following:
>practice automatic writing, which is 'channeling' but the output isn't on a chatroom but rather on more, at least initially, private means (such as a digital text file or a physical notebook)
>develop clarity of vision and communication (whether telepathy, partial possession or otherwise); assuming this is done by brute force and practice