Sunflower 08/19/2023 (Sat) 16:17 Id: eb86fc No.3834 del
>Due to the training I probably got while serving Baal
Do you even remember what he taught you or it was a sort of "spirit imprinting" which makes the knowledge extremely intuitive/instinctual

>or of any other faith
Yeah they are here on this planet for a while. When I got my connection back with my old vedic entities they chased them away because I managed to attract way too many djinn. It seems back in the past it was pretty common to have a djinn as a sort of spirit familiar because their wisdom and discipline was valuable. But something happened which made the djinn somewhat malevolent and they started to cause problems left and right... It's kind of a long story might write down it later.
>interactions reflect my 'inner' state
same here... I was also bullied when I was little but after I got past the "do no harm" mentality and embraced the rage and frustration within I figured out quite fast how to remove the bullies. Which sorta made my "shadow" kinda impulsive in the face of adversity. Because of that I have a sort of "the dog bites" sign around my spirit territory. I am getting in touch with it because the anomalies my mind create in reality when my tsundere emotions get worked up are not always good. Thankfully it is very common in the spirit world because there are many souls that starts their awakening with the "wrong foot". So they understand
Nowadays if I get bothered by an entity I usually practice some energy body muscle movement with them.

>clarity of sight into the spiritual
I am also working on this currently. It is called 'true sight'.

as BO said in this post
>The image is landing on a flat surface in the back of your eyes and from that is created the idea of the visuals having a physical reference.

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