Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 13:51 Id: 4fca4b No.3975 del
>I ask that you edit the OP with the subject
If it was only that easy. The moderation tools to my knowledge does not allow editing of the thread headline.

>any comment as to how Trypper can be so prolific with output?
I guess he is working in a dimension where time moves faster than us. Same as the reason why Astra and other servitors(some turned self aware) can find results so quickly, it is essentially quantum computing seen from our view. Not everyone can do this, but my innate lack of masculinity leaves a blank spot which can be filled with "endless time" if I want, similar to an ever expanding virtual RAM memory. This method is included in the devices I create, and can be learned and used by those who get them, based on adaptability. So in the case where I had some influence here, it could relate to this part of the training.

>requires a gut
Well it is a complete doll in the form shared, so it's not the same as the succubus body, place it external to the main body and run the program like that and it works, you can treat it as an emulation of having a gut.