Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:12 Id: 5168d4 No.3983 del
A while ago, a beggar offered to buy me stuff and also offered to let me take one or some of his trinkets. I refused, so he insisted in a loud voice, and I insisted yet again. A bit later, while in a supermarket, two people were smiling at me, one of them an employee offering free samples of instant coffee, and one of them remarked 'The bridegroom has arrived'.

I am pretty sure this ties in to some sort of synchronicity, among many others that have come before, but as it were, I cannot for the life of me just approach these probably possessed humans. If I were to approach them, I would just try and see how we can get along, but it seems there is some ingrained programming by the tulpa to just totally avoid these encounters.

I know BO has had similar events and has, per his account, handled them very well. I think I need to 'break something' to not miss out on this particular way in which the spiritual meets the physical.

Any pointers you can provide?