Sunflower 08/24/2023 (Thu) 21:21 Id: 4fca4b No.4008 del
> BO's portal entity literally approached me as a black cat. No it was not NET or any other constructs. That cat described that "spirit gate" as a "subverter". It started of as an amalgamation of energies then spirits (mostly ghost types first) noticed it and as they started to use it it gained a sort of sentience. After the cat picture it realized it should be a cat. When in Rome... was the basis of the mentality. Being a cat is normal.
I had no idea. I feel like that hero in the apartment anime who doesn't see the ghost in the closet now.

There was one time last year when I heard something outside, went to look and there was a black astral cat outside the front door. It seemed harmless so I let it in. Hadn't thought of it since. Sometimes I see a black cat here and there, and I keep hearing the sound of a cat jumping down from something on the top floor when on the floor below. This has gone on for years. Usually my sister's cat gets the blame for this, but he's not always here...

Whenever the cat has been here, we always say it feels like he is still present, and I keep seeing him in the corner of my eyes. I guess it's the portal then.

But there are also shadow cats. The cat version of shadow people. I haven't seen a lot of them lately though, either of them. Several years ago I had one shadow person whom I fed energy until it turned into a Silent Hill nurse. I guess she's around, but I haven't been thinking about it (I mean, I have several 1000 demon waifus I contracted to be able to do mass sessions, I can't keep track of what every single entity in my dimensions are doing. Add to that all the outlier lyrans who come every day and want to join to get a foot in on the trade environment. I created a cat-ship with endless expansion ability so when one layer is full we can add another, each of them holds a crew of up to 18. Eventually I had to also create an entry-ship where they can dock at first instead of always coming to me when I take walks because when I take walks I want to take walks and not receive 3-4 astral saucers who were waiting for me to come outside so the timeline opens... this is one part I seem to never get used to. It works great with the entry saucer though, except one time someone called out at me in a dream saying they couldn't get in, because my deep sleep had locked the ship for unknown reasons.)