Sunflower 08/25/2023 (Fri) 17:54 Id: 5d87d8 No.4021 del
Sometimes I am slow putting 2 and 2 together.
BO mentioned the brain activation drink and I mentioned that I under a sort of heavy possession I made the holy grail...
several months after that I had a sudden urge to look into Theosophy and other topics.
This Guy got awakened by someone taking his spring water cup and transmuting his drink into something "creamy" by merely giving it back.
>offering free samples of instant coffee
>The bridegroom has arrived
The bridegroom truly bothered me because it is usually sign of the start of the "mystical union"/wedding.


Then I suddenly remembered the anime where Ulysses – Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi the MC fucked up the philospohers stone and gave half of it to Jeanne and Jeanne could be awakened by kissing her because his salvia turned into the activation "nectar" because he fucked up the alchemy

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