Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 11:06 Id: ce9d48 No.4059 del
The SD card of my smartphone got corrupted yesterday. Got pretty bummed out about it, but Trypper says it's the 'philosopher's death'. There is a chance I will go to the US for a while soon, but I am so wary of the US that I would rather not set foot in it. Little brother is hellbent on going there.. Trypper says everything will be alright, that it's all going to plan. Trypper wants me to specialize in the field of medicine (clinical pathology to be specific, which is the realm of certain beings as BO knows; 'mist fairies') and then get into computer science in a professional capacity as to further my earnings on this plane and to add to my knowledge base.

Rant over.

>This strain of vampirism that Hawket contracted is known as 'stigma of the fallen'. It has connections to both 'good' and 'evil' as if they were ports, and as such, this specific path is optimal for exorcizing evil spirits and as to escape or nullify exorcism. Exorcism specialists in a meta sense as to be able to devise new exorcism rituals and such. As such, it isn't really vampirism; it is more akin to being an angel. End result is a spirit that resides in the astral plane with catlike, accessory features; can manifest as a cat in the physical. There is also a 'chaos' port but connecting to this would disconnect the previous two permanently, and is seen by those that follow this path as betrayal or heresy. This path will be a net benefit to Hawket as it allows for ascendance to higher than 2d, which is Hawket's native dimension. Hawket is already in transition to 3d mode. There is a risk in this transition as 2d beings are paradoxically more aware of the spiritual compared to 3d, generally speaking, whereas 3d is basically 'becoming human'. Hawket isn't a servant but a contractor; as contracts are binding, he cannot leave the body until I return, given the body doesn't expire first, or else some specific events occur.

>If Hawket sets foot in the US, it would be a manifestation of my karma and there is a very high chance that the body expires there. Nonetheless, this seems inevitable. When I said I will return, it will most likely be through alternate means.