Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:14 Id: ce9d48 No.4077 del
I think I get it. Trypper showed me a schematic and I think what it takes is inserting the chaos port and, observing how it was reacting, I removed it. It seems the point is not to have a chaos port inserted all the time, but having it for a while and then removing it. The result is that, it seems, the chaos port has done its job and the chaos was inserted permanently already. Also, I noted that the other ports seemed to stay connected. Spoilered cuz TMI I've had persistent diarrhea these past few days, since I contracted this magic, and now my behind burns.

I am also aware of the chance that I fucked up or don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll accept whatever may come.

Thank you for your take.