Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 17:20 Id: 5d87d8 No.4079 del
>akin to being an angel
High Trypper really felt like a high priestess to me but with an influence behind it that I couldn't grasp.
>he cannot leave the body until I return
I was wondering if you were the one who had to return or there will be other Hawkets that will pretend to be the same
>If Hawket sets foot in the US, it would be a manifestation of my karma
Yeah I too had to connect to the American continent egregore and uh... yes that was a how to activate cleanse karma in a single moment kind of a lesson... It also murders machines!

>the very soul is ripped apart
aaaaaalmost happened to me too. Thankfully there was a superlong spine or my entrails? that I could use as a "rope" that still connected the parts and pull all of them together and use the inherent soul rebirth process to heal... no not heal. Healing makes scars. This is the absolute renewal process but I am doing it step by step to remember who I am huh. Ship of Theseus but Theseus knows the old ship and the new ship because he built it and he knows it's his all the time. Who are you to say that ship is not the ship of Theseus?
Boy I thought a lot about paradoxes and how I need to apply them properly instead of using it to make a gotcha it's unsolvable idea like intellectuals use paradoxes.

>development of internal force
I sorta had to let go of the idea of internal and outer forces. So I can merge my outer force types to help my internal ones. Was too preoccupied with manifesting powers that move reality that I forgot to develop my internal powers properly. Psychic mistakes.


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