Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 18:04 Id: 6fb0fd No.4092 del
I only saw what looked like a huge cave with demons in the dark, what is that hall?

>just felt an electric surge
Can't tell, because there is a combination of breaking down the walls to karmic dimensions causing this when it short circuits, and the intentional projection of negative energy which causes this intentionally as a form of attack by the inhabitants of such dimensions. Breaking through to a high attainment level also short circuits karma instantly. Hard to tell the difference.

I've caused 3 meteors in the past few years because of this.

>my computer force shut down itself
Well at least nothing broke. When we were experimenting with the Anathema and anon used it on a location "close" to me (same continent...), it burned a transformer station in my area and I lost power for 2 hours.