Sunflower 08/27/2023 (Sun) 19:44 Id: 6b03b1 No.4105 del
Wanted you to post first because the "fox dens" are the lowest forms on the physical and sure as hell imageboarders don't go there. The fox den is literally the kitsune breeding "cave" on earth which I knew is about having sex with the kitsune and as you orgasm she cuts your throat (you won't notice coz the orgasm then as you think you have the passionate kiss she eats your face. Then the "kids" come out (1 tail only) and rip out your entrails.
This is what I knew so far.
Then suddenly channeled a bunch of new shit.
It seems this is only allowed when there is a proper consent for this because at the end they have to offer the soul to the god the kitsune belongs to. Usually it is a fated event or something with a deeper meaning not the regular kitsune "tricks".

>you have to pass different tests in villages along the way up
It seems every village represents a "tail".
Kitsune with 1 tail is just a fox with a higher awareness.
At 2 tails they can turn into humans but all they can do is be helpless women that need to find a man to "trick". They are weak so overpowering them is no issue she can't kill yet (they sure as hell can run away fast and prank you as long as they find it amusing). Kitsune usually pretends to be the helplessest and find a kind man to shelter them. At 3 tails they are strong enough to kill. At that level they have to find their god they belong to or they are marked as the "godless kitsune" which needs to find a master to serve.
1st village is about test how kind you are to animals
2nd village about how kind you are to weak helpless girls
3rd village is the "choice" to take up a tradition of a land
later villages depend on the path you took and your weaknesses.
Damm quite nice. (Let's not talk about what happens to those that fail the first 2 villages k.) Also they have a lot of factions holy shit.

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