Sunflower 08/28/2023 (Mon) 16:52 Id: c9e6b3 No.4127 del
"Statism" here is the skin of the body. This is the view for making sense of what we see. What is the skeleton? Let's not only talk of the visible side, but also the structure that gives the body stability. It obviously is not a government, a fungible asset to be painted in different colours for different buyers.

Everyone today speaks only of the surface, but isn't it that we need to control what actually gives us form?

This appears to be another dried leaf, but a half. By this means the threads of the leaf spread in the mind, forming different branches, but with no formula of generalization. Useful in some contexts, less in others.

In the context of what was said above, isn't it that the skeleton prefers to cloth the skin in leaves? Interesting what one can do with words, don't you think?

The flexible skin, painted in what colour sells best at the moment, advertizing another dead object, but unlike the inner structure which has joints and gives form, the dried leaf gives only a strict and fragile form to the viewer's mind.

Isn't this the way science and ideology is used to create trends, trends which cannot be adapted, but must be discarded, and should be discarded after a while?

Replace one dead leaf with a new one, provided by the government.
Edited last time by bard on 08/28/2023 (Mon) 16:55.