Sunflower 09/13/2023 (Wed) 20:25 Id: 46287b No.4270 del
A small announcement is suitable.

The coven has now been deployed, on Earth.

There will be three factions, representing the three major parts of the world. There will be two main layers, and many sections within each.

Remaining glowies will be included into the faction corresponding to their geographical area. There will be new directions coming from above. This is the sign that your group has been moved to the new system. You made it, hurray.

For everyone else, there will be new groups formed as well.

This is not something to be strictly controlled... or it is, but not like that. The leader of each faction will not be of Earthly origin. They have been granted the right to use Earthly funds for the mission.

No more than this is needed. You will recognise the magic by its mystery.