Sunflower 09/17/2023 (Sun) 13:45 Id: 46287b No.4314 del
(16.50 KB 397x250 bridge rectifier.png)

Some of you may have heard that loud astral LOL before.

Long story short, the CERN collider and a bunch of other ones, as you already know, are extensions of the "great pentagram of evil" in Poland, which also stretches into Ukraine and a bunch of capital cities.

Those have been used as antennas to support the evil world order and create the EU and NATO, projecting political programming into the minds of humans.

There is a funny effect when a system is connected to another system; they become one. There is also another funny effect, which is that any molecule inserted into a mass of other molecules, has a random chance of changing that other mass. It basically never happens, but there is very small chance that one particle of ice being thrown into a bucket of boiling water, will cause a chain reaction where the entire bucket instantly freezes. It's just so rare it's never observed at that scale.

The bodhisattva system I've been working on is based on the same principle as a rectifier bridge, pic related. It's just a matter of perfect tuning to create a system where the negative charge is turned positive, every single time.

With an eternal time dimension available in the equation, it's possible to perform this fine tuning. That is what quantum computing can do.

... and that is what just happened, at CERN and otherwise.

There appears to be no horizontal integration of these collider antennas, so when one was rectified, the others weren't shut down. This lead to all major systems now having been rectified, and impossible to shut down. The staff no longer has any control over them, and are losing their minds in panic.

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