Sunflower 09/27/2023 (Wed) 07:17 Id: 0ba135 No.4385 del
>I don't want to be mean but those who survived could live of that glory for a while. They survived the Great War. It's like saying how insignificant sperm is because most will never reach the egg. I am not picking a fight here I understand what you are saying but it's always important to remember how important it was for some people.
This isn't what I meant. I see now that of course you can't read my mind but only what I wrote and it wasn't obvious: I mean the personal lives of (mostly) city people like those who volunteered from UK. They grew up in some small block and had all these silly dreams and hopes. All they knew was a small group of people and the surrounding streets. Despite all the time put into these personal lives, when placed out on the world stage, all they could do was to replicate that dirty street culture in its worst version. And in that setting most of those city boys were shown exactly as they were all along, small street bullies who would amount to nothing in the end. Volunteering for them was a great act, but for many it "sped up" their life's progression and manifested that meaningless end very fast. The same end they'd have at home, now shown all at once. Because most people will not achieve anything. The Great War simply concentrated this in a restricted area.

I am here implying that the energy level of each person does not suddenly rise up or drop down. What they would have done at home would be the same in the war, energetically speaking. But some were able to rise up a bit and those lived through heroic acts.

But this part is lost on most people who today only see this war as a meaningless waste. So yes, you are perfectly right in that some achieved glory.

>The current Ukraine war pales in comparison... while they use the same tactics holy shit.
Some of the convicts from Siberia who joined Wagner survived through their contract and are now war heroes. Even if 70 000 of them died, some did prove themselves. So it's still there. The same would be said about the Ukrainian side, the number of casualties (dead or wounded) is saying something about the low energy level of modern humans.