Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 17:55 Id: 46287b No.4498 del
>Was anyone else attacked by low tier psychics?
Yes, every time I share something publicly, pretty much. Or create something good.

That's why I've set up things like the automatic Vickers machine gun team, among 10s of other systems for killing them as effectively as possible. They completely lack intelligence, and behave more like viruses. I can kill 100s of them, and the next one little insect still dares to walk up to me and threaten me as if he mattered. I've been taking out armies of them constantly since march of this year. What triggered them was an astral protective suit I made, an indestructible form which has an automatic defense and blocks mental influence. They've kept trying to destroy it or threatened me to remove it ever since.

They don't seem to "get it", an immortal construct cannot be destroyed, not by them, not by me, even if I wanted to. So they keep coming and I keep killing them. I've gotten really good at it now.

I've also started seeing a structure in this, and found that these beings seem to be part of large hiveminds, which function as chemical substances. They work to create cosmic eggs, which give birth to new being in a strange process. They attack everything until their karma forms a hard shell, then the being is developed inside it, after which it hatches.

These glowies, it seems most of them are just "material" like this.