Sunflower 10/08/2023 (Sun) 19:01 Id: 46287b No.4509 del
>Oh k I interpreted it properly then. It's just for some reason I thought you did this before.
They all represent some part of the mind. I found that intent, when strong enough, has the form of a being already.

I've been doing some self defense drills for learning how to behave in situations with guns, and then suddenly one day when some telepathic moron started messing with me, a cowboy style being with a revolver appeared like a reflex from my mind and held him at gunpoint. This was the intent forming into what we here call a "servitor", completely without any conscious forcing of the functionality as a mental form in itself. I've previously also seen my gong manifest as black cats and crows.

Intentionally creating servitors are to start from the other end, building up the mental form first.