Sunflower 10/13/2023 (Fri) 09:51 Id: 46287b No.4571 del
Yesterday, my phone wallpaper suddenly switched to lava, and refused to change back. I realized this meant something, but wasn't sure what.

After going through the things posted above, I found that the "pizza" dimension at the north pole, may be what is called a "panopticon"
where the elites control the population in different sectors. This was also shown in Final Fantasy 7 as the city Midgar.
Looking now, it seems they may have used the word "pizza" in the game.

This was the attempt at creating the NWO for complete control. But they made a grave mistake (again) when they used only external power structures. Those are at the infernal level, causing the Earth to descend into Hell. The 3D physicality looks the same from inside, but demons now have access to the world, and ghosts roam around us. The "pizza" then represents the real world at 3D level, but only structurally inside Hell. This world order only works if the population is at the infernal level.