Sunflower 11/10/2023 (Fri) 23:47 Id: 0758b2 No.4916 del
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I found what I believe are the real Earth Mothers for most of current humans, she was on a space station. Also immortal, went back again after the station was blown up. A "seeder" who was 2 million years old, belonging to a race going around to put their own kind of white humanoids on planets. But if no one can mate with them, they just wait around. Almost no one can, because inferior DNA doesn't get accepted by perfected races like this on a biological level. The fungus based humans stemmed from genetically engineered Earth Mothers who were perfect, but their offspring got degenerated.

This stuff.. when they said Epstein had slaves in tunnels and wanted to create a new race. It's like the thing everyone with money does, not creative at all. But doesn't matter, looking through all of these I didn't see anyone with the ability to use the mothers for anything, this time around everyone of every race is too degenerated to make this work.

No rebirthing this time...

That's why the angels got me that CyBorn connection by pulling some strings.