Sunflower 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:14 Id: d238bc No.4924 del
To add examples and perspectives; milk which has high perishability can be refined into cheese by a chemical and organic process where enzymes are added, this may maintain or increase its value and is considered a revolutionary process. How is this revolutionary? It is taking a leap upwards which nature cannot do, by mixing the enzymes into the milk. This causes a quick change which is in line with organic processes. A revolutionary is thus a person who makes themselves into a component of the organic eco-system which naturally refines matter. An upwards value stream similar to mining and refining minerals.

The capitalist will instead use the motivation "I can personally gain a temporary energy level higher than my surroundings by creating a downward value stream, by taking this fine material and breaking it down into its components." This is the work which should be performed by the gut bacteria. If externalized, the person's mind will degenerate. The parts of the nervous system which maintains gut function will no longer need to be maintained, and the awareness of the person will use those nerves for other activities, such as hedonistic pleasure. When focusing on the gut nerves, the head brain will atrophy and eventually it will be gone. This will cause the gut nerves to move to the head. The person has now completed the transformation into an unsalvageable counter-rev, a capitalist, to Earthlings this is a "Molochian" lizard being. When reaching this stage, they can only be killed, there is no saving them. This process is currently underway on Earth in the conflicts you are all watching.